Effective Ways to Reduce Menstrual Pain: Providing Relief from Period Cramps

No woman looks forward to seeing their period. Well, as long as you know you are not pregnant. While menstruation is a normal part of female reproductive health, it often comes with symptoms like bloating, sleeping disorders, mood changes, food cravings, tender breasts, and even fatigue.
If you experience painful periods, your menstrual cycle may leave you stressed, tired, and weak. Take a deep breath and relax. The good news is that there are several tried and tested tricks that can help you reduce menstrual pain. Here are some of them:

1. Use Ovatune Period Machine

Surprised that there are now machines that can help relieve period cramps? Don’t be.

The Ovatune period machine is a device that uses electrical pulses (TENS technology) to relieve period cramps. It comes with small electrode pads that allow for direct skin contact. Once the electrode pads are in place and your power on the device, it generates low-voltage electrical impulses that enter the nerves in the body and sends a message to the brain to block your pain signals. The result is that your body produces endorphins, which help to alleviate pain.

Then again, the best part of using this device is it provides a targeted approach to relieving menstrual cramps. All you have to do is place it on your lower abdomen, back, or pelvic region where you feel period pain, and the Ovatune period pain machine will instantly reduce period pain.


2. Take Pain Relievers

One of the simplest and most widely used methods to relief period cramps is by taking over-the-counter pain relievers. These medications (often called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - NSAIDs) work by reducing inflammation and blocking the production of prostaglandins, the chemicals that primarily trigger your period pain. Research shows that pain relief medications like diclofenac, ibuprofen, and naproxen are the most commonly used type of pain relief medications.

However, while pain relievers may be effective, you only want to use these over-the-counter pills for the short term. Prolonged or excessive use of NSAIDs can increase the risk of side effects, including stomach ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding, and kidney problems.


3. Apply Heat

Besides the Ovatune period pain machine, applying heat can help alleviate your period cramps. 36.5 to 50% of women worldwide use heat therapy to reduce menstrual pain. The simple reason is its ability to stimulate the sensory receptors on the skin, which can help block pain signals from reaching your brain. This way, you can enjoy a natural pain-relieving effect rather than using over-the-counter drugs.

To effectively relief period cramps with hat therapy:

• Use a heating pad, hot water bottle, or take a warm bath for 15 to 20 minutes to prevent skin irritation
• Ensure the heat source is not too hot to avoid burns or discomfort.
• Place the heating pad or warm object directly on your lower abdomen or lower back where you are experiencing cramps.


4. Reduce Stress

Most women think that stress only worsens their mood before their menstrual cycle, but prior stress before mensuration can also impact how you feel your period pain. While one study reveals that prior stress before the menstrual cycle could worsen pre-menstrual symptoms. Another research found a link between increased stress levels and menstrual pain. Needless to say, chronic stress is something every woman wants to avoid before their period.

Stress can disrupt hormonal balance in the body, including hormones related to the menstrual cycle, and hormonal imbalances can lead to more severe and prolonged menstrual cramps. To reduce stress levels, do yoga and meditation, practice deep breathing, and get enough sleep.


5. Adjust Your Diet

One of the reasons medical professionals and nutritionists preach healthy dieting is because it affects every area of your life, that includes how you feel period pain. Ever wonder why you often feel bloated before and during your menstrual cycle? The simple answer is excessive caffeine and salt intake. In most cases, your body may not be getting the required nutrients and vitamins to help you fight period cramps.

The good news is that an adequate intake of food containing calcium and magnesium can help with your period pain. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and omega-3 fatty acids can also relief period cramps when taken adequately. Also, staying hydrated can help reduce period cramps.


6. Exercise Regularly

Exercise also plays a large role in reducing menstrual pain. In fact, it is one of the most effective ways to relief menstrual pain because it not only helps reduce muscle tension you usually feel during your period, but it also helps you manage your stress levels, balance your hormones, and makes your body produce endorphins – your body’s own painkillers.

However, keep in mind that not all types of exercise might work well for you during your menstrual cycle. High-impact or intense exercises might not be comfortable if you experience severe cramps. So, listen to your body and choose exercises that feel right for you. Activities like walking, swimming, yoga, gentle cycling, or low-impact aerobics are some of the best exercises to consider during menstruation.

One in every eight women will experience menstrual pain in their lifetime. If you are already in this boat, consider using one of these methods to reduce your period pain. If the pain persists, consult a healthcare professional, especially if you have an underlying medical condition to advise you on how to reduce your menstrual pain.



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